Sunday, June 29, 2014

Miss Sierra Leone USA Attends 2014 Grand Opening of Crystal Restaurant - Taste of Marieland

Hello world!!!

I hope you and yours are doing well. I'm doing well, thanks be to God. Last Sunday, I attended the grand opening of Crystal Restaurant - Taste of Marieland in Hyattsville, Maryland. The owner of this restaurant is Senegalese US-based Chef Marie Joe. This event was hosted by Angolan US-based personality Gil Ingles, and there were many wonderful music and dance performances. Of course, there was delicious food!
Miss Sierra Leone USA 2013-2014 Ruby B. Johnson
Ruby Red!
Miss Sierra Leone USA 2012-2014 Ruby B. Johnson
Miss Sierra Leone USA 2013-2014 Ruby B. Johnson and Chef Marie Joe (Owner of Crytal Restaurant - Taste of Marieland)
Miss Sierra Leone USA 2013-2014 Ruby B. Johnson getting introduced by event MC Gil Ingles
Miss Sierra Leone USA 2013-2014 Ruby B. Johnson and music producer Gil Ingles
1/2 of My Dynamic (Photography) Duo
Miss Sierra Leone USA 2013-2014 Ruby B. Johnson and Mrs. Mikki Rafik (Videographer of Life Depicted Productions)
Miss Sierra Leone USA 2013-2014 Ruby B. Johnson and Chef Marie Joe on the dance floor
Miss Sierra Leone USA 2013-2014 Ruby B. Johnson and Chef Marie Joe on the dance floor
Miss Sierra Leone USA 2013-2014 Ruby B. Johnson and Troy-Massa (health consultant and high school friend)
Ma Winny Casey (Fashion Designer of Mitindo Nite, and Owner of Miss Tanzania USA pageant) and Miss Sierra Leone USA 2013-2014 Ruby B. Johnson
Miss Sierra Leone USA 2013-2014 Ruby B. Johnson and Miss Sao Bangura (Actress/TV Personality)
Miss Laetitia Mbukapindu (Miss Congo USA 2005 and Founder/CEO of Mz. Congo Model and Talent Agency)
Rapper Asuzu performing next to Chef Marie Joe, Miss Sierra Leone USA 2013-2014 Ruby B. Johnson, and Koby Maxwell
Actor/Singer/Producer Koby Maxwell and Miss Sierra Leone USA 2013-2014 Ruby B. Johnson
Miss Sierra Leone USA 2013-2014 Ruby B. Johnson and rapper Asuzu
Miss Sierra Leone USA 2013-2014 Ruby B. Johnson having fun on the dance floor with Chef Marie Joe and Troy-Massa
Miss Sierra Leone USA 2013-2014 Ruby B. Johnson having fun on the dance floor
Overall, I had a great time at the event. It entailed yummy food, great people, as well as awesome music and dancing. If you are ever visiting the state of Maryland, I recommend you visit this restaurant and enjoy the delicious African cuisine.
Chef Marie Joe (Owner, Crystal Restaurant - Taste of Marieland) and Miss Sierra Leone USA 2012-2014 Ruby B. Johnson
Can you guess my favorite color???
Miss Sierra Leone USA 2013-2014 Ruby B. Johnson
Miss Sierra Leone USA 2013-2014 Ruby B. Johnson

If you really want to make a friend, go to someone's house and eat with him... the people who give you their food give you their heart. - Cesar Chavez

Ruby B. Johnson,
Your Miss Sierra Leone USA.

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