Sunday, September 2, 2012

Miss Sierra Leone USA Back To School DOs and DON'Ts: Part II

Hello world!!!

It's that time of the year again when all students, teachers, faculty, and staff members return back to school. As a current student, I will like to share some tips and recommendations to you all in order to have a successful and productive academic year. I am a staunch advocate for education for all, which is why education is one of the pillars of my personal platform (SHERO) as Miss Sierra Leone USA, because I believe that education and experience play vital roles in the empowerment of individuals as well as communities. Feel free to leave comments/suggestions in the comment section below. Read Part I.

Work hard in your academics but also remember to rest and take naps also. While studying remember to take breaks once in a while and treat yourself. Sitting in one spot for long gets tiring, boring and hurts your butt sometimes you know. I am guilty of just being carried away with studying and not taking breaks, which I sometimes regret. Watch a music video or something online, or just go out for a short walk and stretch your legs and arms.

Take breaks doing things that are not plausible knowing the type of person that you are. For instance, taking a Facebook or Youtube break which you may assume would last for five minutes but two hours later still on it. If necessary, set an alarm for yourself for the amount of chill time you'll like to have before returning to studying. In times like these, discipline is very important and everyone must know when to stop and go back to the good stuff, studying and homework! 

Surround yourself around friends and people that positively influence you, especially when it has to do with your academics. Have friends that motivate you and make you want to do well in your classes. In fact, being a little competitive in your schoolwork with your friends can be helpful, because it makes you want to exceed to higher grades and understanding. Having friends that have their schoolwork as a priority is a good thing and that's what a lot of college students need, I know I can never have enough of them. Also remember to always be yourself and do not be a follower. Stay true to yourself, your morals and values.

Let yourself become overwhelmed with schoolwork and work arduously on your time management. Pace yourself appropriately and if possibly start working on things ahead of time. I am guilty of being overwhelmed with schoolwork and just freaking out like no other, but at the end of the day I come to realize that I endured it all but would've been more calm if I had started earlier.

Having some stress is not a bad thing because it keeps one alert of the possibility of things going wrong. I had a friend last semester that I met in one of my classes and whenever I told him that I was stressed he always told me that stress was good and I used to get angry at him for that, but it dawned on me that he's kind of right. I think what he was really trying to say was that having some stress is good because it keeps my blood flowing and my body agile and I am very aware of my duties and responsibilities; the pressures I get from that stress also motivate me to do my work faster and in a timely manner.

Pull many all-nighters. I cannot advice anyone to never pull an all-nighter because I am very guilty of it, but at the same time I will let you know that it's not really a good thing. Pulling an all-nighter is mostly achieved by a lot of students with the inclusion of caffeine mostly gotten from coffee, but I have heard that medically too much coffee isn't good. Personally coffee doesn't do anything for me because I've been drinking it since I was a little girl and I love it, but that's not the point. Do not force an all-nighter, because you'll be miserable the morning-of and that will affect most of your performances in your courses for that day. Do what you can and leave what you can't.

This is a very important thing that most students need and must have, I know I do, which is a planner. I am the biggest advocate for getting a planner. Planners may seem silly to some people but they're really helpful and keep you on track. When planning your day or weeks, be honest with yourself especially when it comes to how long you do things. Also, include things such as times to shower, eating dinner, work out, chill time and other extracurricular activites that will most likely occur. In addition, try to figure out what type of planner works for you whether it's electronic (such as outlook) or a hardcopy, use something that is easily accessible to you.

Plan your whole day out in your planner without having openings, because you must remember that life happens. Be realistic with yourself and if certain things cannot be done, do not force it. Also, certain things may happen that can prevent you from doing work intended during its designated time. Do not fully book yourself and no space available for doing something unexpected. Discipline is good, but there are times that things may happen that will not be in your calendar but you will need to cater to them.

Make friends with people in your classes and possibly form a study group. Do not feel proud to talk to them no matter if you feel that you are just different from them. Having friends in your classes is a very good thing because you've got someone to get assistance from besides the professors and also the GTAs. Study groups are not good for all classes (well that's my opinion), but I think they're great to have because you get to hear the course material from a different perspective but also get the same message. By studying with someone that you have the same class with also motivates you to continue studying and not get bored.

Study near or with people that are doing something completely different from you, because all they'll be is a distraction. For instance, studying with your bestfriends is not really ideal because all they'll be is a distraction, and you won't be productive in your assignment at all. Personally, I like studying by myself most of the time because I have control over my environment, but studying with people in the same course can be very helpful to me also.

Try as early as possible to find a place whereby you can concentrate and study efficiently without distractions. Weigh out your options until you find the most suitable place for you to get your studying done. Be honest with yourself and do what's right, and do not force a place on yourself if you know for sure it's not conduicive for you to study at. There are people that can study in their dorms and some that may need to go to the library, find the type of person that you are and what kind of environment is good for you.

Have a fantastic academic semester/year filled with wisdom, knowledge, and understand. Good luck!!!

Ruby B. Johnson,
Your Miss Sierra Leone USA

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