Monday, July 1, 2013

Your New Miss Sierra Leone USA 2012 is...

Hello world!!!

Hope you and yours are doing well. I'm doing great, and it is with great excitement that I am writing this post because... today marks the 1-year anniversary since I was crowned your Miss Sierra Leone USA! During the finals night of the Miss Sierra Leone USA 2012 Pageant, hearing the words "Your new Miss Sierra Leone USA 2012 is Miss Freetown, Ruby B. Johnson" was an unforgettable and remarkable moment for me. I decided to participate in the Miss SLUSA Pageant with intentions of winning and making a positive difference through my platform, but I never prepared myself for the time that dream comes true. As much as I prepared for success that night, there was still a shock experienced when it actually happened and heard my name being called. As much as I will like to say that it instantly hit me that I won, it didn't. I soaked in every moment of my crowning, and those who were there could see that I showed sincere emotion of excitement and in tears. I represented my city (Freetown) with pride and honor, won what I worked smart for and dreamed of, and felt good to be surrounded by my family, friends, and well-wishers.
Crowning Moment: Miss Sierra Leone USA Pageant
Miss Freetown USA 2012 Ruby B. Johnson is crowned by Miss Sierra Leone USA
2011-2012 Agnes Thomas and Teen Miss Sierra Leone USA Patricia Moriba
Miss Freetown USA Ruby B. Johnson crowned Miss Sierra Leone USA 2012-2014 takes the First Walk
Like I said earlier, winning the title of Miss Sierra Leone USA didn't hit me instantly. Honestly, I think it's over the past few months that it finally hit me. During my crowning and months after, I knew I was Miss Sierra Leone USA but started to realize how much of an impact my title has in the last 6 months, especially during my Homecoming to Sierra Leone. To be Miss Salone USA can be fantastic with the many perks that it comes with, and I'm thankful to my dedicated supporters and the amazing MSLDC organization; but what I absolutely love about being in this position is connecting with my fellow Sierra Leoneans and society as a whole. My first few months seemed like a time filled with performing my duties as Miss SLUSA, and living out my purpose of being involved with MSLDC Inc. But as time went by I started to actually enjoy every moment of my reign, it wasn't just about checking-off items on my personal Miss SLUSA to-do list. I started to embrace every emotion, enjoy the experiences, accept challenges, indulge every compliment, smile brighter, learn lessons, and remember to relax and release.
Miss Sierra Leone USA 2013-2014 Ruby B. Johnson
Miss Sierra Leone USA 2012-2014 Ruby B. Johnson
On this anniversary, I have many people to thank for my success but the list is too long for a blog post. However, I am happy that I have thanked each individual when I can in the past for their contribution in my life. To my amazing God, I am thankful to be a believer and an individual that lives by the words of Philippians 4:13 and Deuteronomy 28:13. To my amazing mom, I am thankful for her continuous love and guidance. There have been times in which she was nervous about my decisions, but still trusted me to go about it. To my amazing family and boyfriend, I love you for always being there for me and lifting me up when I'm down. To my amazing friends, you ladies and guys keep me going even when I want to stop or turn back, and always know how to put a smile on my face. To my amazing well-wishers and acquaintances, thank you for your support. To my amazing social media (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Pinterest, Blog) supporters, I am very thankful for the love you show me; you're a great support system. Last but not least, to my amazing Miss Sierra Leone in DC (MSLDC Inc.) family, I am so grateful for all you have done for me. As an empowered Sierra Leonean woman, I am proud to be part of this organization which promotes the betterment and overall advancement of girls and women. To the amazing boss lady, Dr. Fuambai Sia Ahmadu: you're a phenomenal woman that I highly admire, I love how you embrace every situation with grace and perseverance, and you have become my second mom. To the amazing sponsors, I am grateful for your support of MSLDC Inc. and putting your trust in the organization's visions and titleholders.
Miss Sierra Leone USA 2013-2014 Ruby B. Johnson and the Miss Sierra Leone in DC Executive Board
The Miss Sierra Leone USA Leadership and Scholarship Pageant is a biannual pageant and the next edition will be in Summer 2014. During my 11-month anniversary last month, I told Dr. Fuambai that I see this as having two terms like Presidents. So this first year (2012-2013) marks my first term, and tomorrow marks the start of my second term (2013-2014) as your Miss Sierra Leone USA. My advice to me for this second term is to soak in every moment, continue making the best out of the title, be fearless, take advantage of the opportunities that come my way, be guided by my platforms (Advocating for SHERO, Advocating for the recruitment and retention of girls/women in STEM fields), and respectfully represent the Miss Sierra Leone in DC (MSLDC Inc.) organization. Check out this video of highlights of my performances and crowning moment in this link.

"For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Miss Sierra Leone USA 2013-2014 Ruby B. Johnson takes First Walk
What's your advice for me during my second term as your Miss Sierra Leone USA??? Please share in the comments section below or on one of my social media accounts. 

Ruby B. Johnson,
Your Miss Sierra Leone USA.

Like my Facebook Page & Follow me on Twitter (@MissSaloneUSA)

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